Resolved -
Our auth provider has fixed their issue and patients can now sign in without any issues.
Mar 25, 19:21 UTC
Monitoring -
Our authentication provider has indicated the issue has been resolved and they are monitoring. We have verified our services are available again.
Mar 25, 19:14 UTC
Update -
Our authentication provider has indicated that they've identified their issue and are currently working on an update.
Mar 25, 18:30 UTC
Identified -
The issue has been identified and we are waiting for an update from our auth provider.
Mar 25, 18:15 UTC
Investigating -
Our authentication provider is currently experiencing a problem. A patient's ability to sign in and receive care may be impacted. We are reaching out to them for status.
We will send an additional update as they become available.
Mar 25, 18:15 UTC